[StarCluster] Steps for a new AMI

Sergio Mafra sergiohmafra at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 12:44:08 EDT 2012

Dear friends,

If I would like to customize an AMI to serve as model to all my StarCluster
configurations (launch, add node, remove node, ELB cluster.. etc). To do
this, should I:

a) choose an AMI supported, launch StarCluster, *do all the customizations*,
create a new AMI.. done.
b) choose an AMI supported, *do all customizations*, create a new AMI,
launch StarCluster.. done

Option a) seems to be more reasonable due the possibility to do all tests
with the desired configuration but I´ve read somewhere that you should go
using b) option.

What do you recommend?

Best Regards,

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