[StarCluster] EC2 User data

Joydeep Sen Sarma jsensarma at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 11:41:02 EST 2012

It doesn't.

Currently the user data is used by starcluster itself to store node aliases.

I had a similar requirement as yours - but in my case - the user data was
restricted to shell scripts. So what i did for my use case was hack the
starcluster code to use the first line of the user data - prepended with a
'#' for node aliases - and the rest of the user data could be used as a
shell script (filled in when launching the cluster from the configuration).

it seemed pretty hacky to me - so didn't try to contribute back.

there may be other ways of achieving this outcome. for example - one could
take the cluster-name and the instance alias (node001 etc.) and then map
that to a location in s3 (s3://urbucket/cluster-name/node001) and then
store instance specific user data in that location. the boot scripts can
get the cluster name and the instance alias from ec2 apis and then use that
to locate the instance data and get rolling.

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Paolo Di Tommaso <Paolo.DiTommaso at crg.eu>wrote:

> Dear all,
> Does StarCluster provide any support for EC2 user data feature?
> http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/ec2-userdata
> I would like to use this mechanism to specify some extra instance
> configuration at node boot time.
> If no, is there any other alternative?
> Thank you,
> Paolo Di Tommaso
> Software Engineer
> Comparative Bioinformatics Group
> Centre de Regulacio Genomica (CRG)
> Dr. Aiguader, 88
> 08003 Barcelona, Spain
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