[StarCluster] Help needed with running mpich2 plugin using starcluster

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 27 17:14:40 EST 2012

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Hi Subbarao,

Yes it is, have a look at the following doc:




On 02/27/2012 05:08 PM, Subbarao Kota wrote:
> Thanks Justin.
> Is it possible to create a new AMI of my choice using StarCluster
> and use it?
> Specifically with m1.small and c1.medium with Linux on them?
> Please advise. Thanks.
> Subbarao  Kota.
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Justin Riley <jtriley at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> Hi Subbarao,
> The AMI you're using (ami-31814f58) is not supported by
> StarCluster. Please use one of the StarCluster Ubuntu 11.10 AMIs
> when using the mpich2 plugin. You can get a list of StarCluster
> supported AMIs using:
> $ starcluster listpublic
> HTH,
> ~Justin
> On 02/26/2012 02:54 PM, Subbarao Kota wrote:
>>>> Hi Justin, Thanks so much for taking time on this.
>>>> Everytimg I am starting the cluster using StarCluster I am 
>>>> receiving the errors as in the attached file. I have also
>>>> attached my config file. Some values are replaced such as
>>>> access_keys.
>>>> 1. Why are these errors being received? See attached file 
>>>> (cluster_startup_errors) for errors. Also attached is the 
>>>> crash_report. 2. I included a [plugin mpich2] section in the
>>>> config file but when starting the cluster with this setting
>>>> doesn't seem start the plugins. Why is that?
>>>> My goal is to run some benchmarks (specifically STREAM (MPI
>>>> version in C), IOR and NAS MPI) on Amazon EC2 instances. Once
>>>> I am successful in running these on just 1 instance, my plan
>>>> is to run them on 2 nodes, 4 nodes, 6 nodes and 8 nodes to
>>>> evaluate the performance of these benchmarks. And I need to
>>>> run them with MPICH2.
>>>> So far I have been able to run STREAM and IOR benchmarks on 
>>>> t1.micro instance. Now I want to create a small cluster of 2
>>>> nodes and run them. I think StarCluster  can help me
>>>> accomplish it.
>>>> Thanks, Subbarao Kota.
>>>> On Feb 22, 2012, at 11:51 AM, Justin Riley wrote:
>>>> Hi Subbarao,
>>>> Which AMI are you using? This error usually occurs because
>>>> you're using an AMI that does not allow root logins.
>>>> In general you should use either the StarCluster supported
>>>> AMIs or an AMI based on the StarCluster supported AMIs. Have
>>>> a look at the following doc on how to customize the
>>>> StarCluster supported AMIs:
>>>> http://web.mit.edu/star/cluster/docs/latest/manual/create_new_ami.html
Also, do you still have the 'crash report' that was generated when
>>>> you got this error? It would be useful to take a look at this
>>>> as well if it's still around....
>>>> ~Justin
>>>> On 02/20/2012 02:57 PM, Subbarao Kota wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello, I received the below error when attempted to run
>>>>>>> the mpich2 plugin on a 2-node cluster of t1.micro
>>>>>>> instance via starcluster. Can you please let me know
>>>>>>> what needs to be fixed or corrected? what additional
>>>>>>> information you will need to help.
>>>>>>> Please advise. Thanks.
>>>>>>> ====
>>>>>>> StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster) (v.
>>>>>>> 0.93.1) Software Tools for Academics and Researchers
>>>>>>> (STAR) Please submit bug reports to
>>>>>>> starcluster at mit.edu
>>>>>>>>>> Running plugin mpich2 Creating MPICH2 hosts file
>>>>>>> !!! ERROR - Error occurred while running plugin
>>>>>>> 'mpich2': Traceback (most recent call last): File
>>>>> "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/StarCluster-0.93.1-py2.7.egg/starcluster/cluster.py",
line 1482, in run_plugin func(*args) File
>>>>> "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/StarCluster-0.93.1-py2.7.egg/starcluster/plugins/mpich2.py",
line 33, in run mpich2_hosts =
>>>>>>> master.ssh.remote_file(self.MPICH2_HOSTS, 'w') File
>>>>> "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/StarCluster-0.93.1-py2.7.egg/starcluster/ssh.py",
line 290, in remote_file rfile = self.sftp.open(file, mode) File
>>>>> "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/StarCluster-0.93.1-py2.7.egg/starcluster/ssh.py",
line 180, in sftp self._sftp =
>>>>>>> paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self.transport) File
>>>>>>> "build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/paramiko/sftp_client.py",
line 106, in from_transport return cls(chan) File
>>>>>>> "build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/paramiko/sftp_client.py",
line 87, in __init__ server_version = self._send_version()
>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>> "build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/paramiko/sftp.py", 
>>>>>>> line 108, in _send_version t, data =
>>>>>>> self._read_packet() File
>>>>>>> "build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/paramiko/sftp.py", 
>>>>>>> line 179, in _read_packet raise SFTPError('Garbage
>>>>>>> packet received') SFTPError: Garbage packet received 
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> StarCluster mailing list StarCluster at mit.edu 
>>>>>>> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/starcluster
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