[Starcluster] bug report

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 13 08:53:16 EDT 2010

Hi Xiren,

Your [key] section must have the same name as your keypair on Amazon. You can check the names of your keypairs either by using the AWS Management Console or the ec2-describe-keypairs command from the EC2 API command line tools. I've added this to the docs for the next version.

Hope that helps,

From: starcluster-bounces at MIT.EDU [starcluster-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Xiren Wang [xirenwang99 at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 9:03 PM
To: starcluster at mit.edu
Subject: [Starcluster] bug report

Starting a starcluster failed, because of key "not valid". But the reason is unknown.

in configuration file:

[key myKey]

key_location = /root/.ssh/id_rsa



Then got the error message:

cluster.py:768 - ERROR - Account does not contain a key with keyname = myKey.

cl.py:243 - ERROR - setting for cluster template "smallcluster" are not valid


Best regards,


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