[StarCluster] One simple question

Justin Riley jtriley at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 23 14:47:32 EDT 2010

  On 10/23/10 2:19 PM, Alexey PETROV wrote:
> And, could I just confirm, once again - "If a single user need to run 
> a MPI task just from time to time (not on routine everyday basis), 
> would he have some additional benefits from "queuing system" in a 
> cloud, or it better to use MPI straightforward"?
In the case of MPI jobs that use the entire cluster for a single job, 
the queuing system isn't as crucial, although it can still be 
beneficial. For example, if you want to run more than one MPI job task 
one after the other then queuing each of these jobs would allow you to 
submit them and forget about them.

Also, OpenMPI is an SGE-aware MPI implementation. This means that if you 
qsub an 'mpirun' command, the OpenMPI runtime will recognize that it's 
being executed by SGE and fetch the list of hosts to use from SGE rather 
than having to build your own hostfile for the jobs. For more details on 
using Sun Grid Engine and MPI have a look at the this thread:


Hope that helps,


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