[Starcluster] remote desktop issues

Dean Snyder dean.snyder at jhu.edu
Thu Jun 10 14:11:06 EDT 2010

Justin Riley wrote at 11:57 AM on Thursday, June 10, 2010:

>Also, StarCluster does not set passwords on user accounts so either
>you'll need to configure your nxclient to use your ec2 keypair private
>key or login to whichever node you're trying to remote into and set a
>password manually for the user.

Tried this - didn't help.

>If you can login running the following commands (replacing $CLUSTER_USER
>with your CLUSTER_USER in the config) then your keypair  is
>authenticating correctly with StarCluster as both root and $CLUSTER_USER:
>$ starcluster sshmaster
>$ starcluster sshmaster -u $CLUSTER_USER


>If those commands work fine, then this is an nxclient configuration
>issue most likely.

But the url I sent you <http://aws-musings.com/4-easy-steps-to-enable-
remote-desktop-on-your-ubuntu-ec2-instance/> states that freenx/nx works
on EC2 instances, and indeed it works when I launch the instance outside
starcluster - it only fails when trying to remote to a starcluster
launched instance.


Dean A. Snyder
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR)
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Bayview Research Campus
333 Cassell Dr, Triad Bldg, Suite 2000
Baltimore, MD 21224
cell:717 668-3048 office:410-550-4629

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