[Starcluster] Custom Kernels in AMIs

Austin Godber godber at uberhip.com
Mon Jul 19 14:15:25 EDT 2010

Hello Guys,
     I have documented the process for converting an Ubuntu 10.04 AMI to 
using the pv_grub kernel.  It is relatively painless, all you have to do 
is write the appropriate grub config file and then rebundle with the 
pv_grub kernel.  I think, once they update the tools again it will be 
possible to mark the AMI as 'hvm' rather than 'paravirtual' or I have 
overlooked that setting.  Regardless, I think that would just be a flag 
and the real indication as to whether or not you are running in hvm mode 
is whether it boots off of the pv_grub kernel.

Here it is:

Austin Godber

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