[Starcluster] Version of StartCluster with support for Amazon Cluster Compute Images

Fred Rotbart rotbart at softbart.com
Tue Aug 31 03:22:41 EDT 2010

  I have cloned the StarCluster git repository to 
http://github.com/fcr/StarCluster and added support for the Amazon 
Cluster Computer instances.
This has been tested with boto-2.0b2 and with the Amazon generic Cluster 
Compute hvm AMI ami-7ea24a17 (which is not, of course, StarCluster ready)

The "start" command has a new feature that if the -x  option is used, it 
will restart a stopped one.
The "stop" command will stop rather than terminate ebs backed instances 
(if they are not spot instances).
A new 'terminate" command has been added to actually terminate a running 
or stopped cluster.

Please feel free to try it out and let me know if there are any problems.

Next challenge is going to be building a StarCluster hvm compatible 
image. If anyone has done this, please let know.

- Fred

Dr. Frederick C. Rotbart    Rotbart Software Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Tel: +61 9024 3914          38 Arthur Street,
Mobile: +61 422 569 102     Vic. 3141 Australia
rotbart at softbart.com

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