[Starcluster] Load Balancer: Specify any args on the command line

Rajat Banerjee rbanerj at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Aug 19 10:07:52 EDT 2010

Hi all,
I have added a new feature for the load balancer. You can specify all
of the configuration options from the command line to change the
behavior of the load balancer:

Usage: loadbalance <cluster_tag>

    Start the SGE Load Balancer.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --plot            Plot usage data at each iteration
  -i INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
                        Polling interval for load balancer
  -m MAX_NODES, --max_nodes=MAX_NODES
                        Maximum # of nodes in cluster
  -w WAIT_TIME, --job_wait_time=WAIT_TIME
                        Maximum wait time for a job before adding nodes,
  -a ADD_PI, --add_nodes_per_iter=ADD_PI
                        Number of nodes to add per iteration
  -k KILL_AFTER, --kill_after=KILL_AFTER
                        Minutes after which a node can be killed
  -s STAB, --stabilization_time=STAB
                        Seconds to wait before cluster stabilizes
  -l LOOKBACK_WIN, --lookback_window=LOOKBACK_WIN
                        Minutes to look back for past job history

This code is available from my github repository:

Thanks. Let me know of any problems or feedback.

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