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<div style="word-wrap:break-word">Colleagues,
<div>I'm attaching the announcement for a workshop that will take place at MIT on Wednesday, October 9th just prior to the start of the SHOT Annual Meeting in Portland. All are invited to attend. The two keynote speakers are Micah Altman and Steven Lubar,
who will also facilitate separate discussions that day. If you have questions, feel free to email me directly but RSVPs should be sent to Janet Hilyard at Hagley: <span class="x_Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:16px"><a href="mailto:jhilyard@hagley.org">jhilyard@hagley.org</a></span></div>
<div>Debbie Douglas</div>
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<div><span class="x_Apple-style-span" style="font-size:small"><b>Deborah G. Douglas, PhD</b></span><span class="x_Apple-style-span" style="font-size:small"> • Curator of Science and Technology, MIT Museum, Room N51-209 • 265 Massachusetts Avenue • Cambridge,
MA 02139-4307 • <a href="http://web.mit.edu/museum">http://web.mit.edu/museum</a> • <a href="http://museum.mit.edu/150">http://museum.mit.edu/150</a> • <a href="mailto:ddouglas@mit.edu">ddouglas@mit.edu</a> • 617-253-1766 phone • 617-253-8994 fax</span></div>
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