<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2>Please note that,
in addition to our regular STS Circle meeting (12:15-2:00 pm) and <br>
Prof. Sheila Jasanoff's talk at MIT (4:00 pm) on April 6 (Mon)
<a href="http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=10004623&date=2009/4/6" eudora="autourl">
http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=10004623&date=2009/4/6</a>, we
have an additional <br>
STS event next week. <br>
</font> <br>
<font size=2>On April 8 (Wed), from 4:30-6:30 pm, a panel discussion will
take place to discuss <br>
Prof. Michèle Lamont's latest book "How Professors Think: Inside the
Curious World <br>
of Academic Judgment (Harvard University Press, 2009)." <br>
</font> <br>
<font size=2>For more details about her book,
<a href="http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/LAMHOW.html">
</font> <br>
<font size=2>=======================================================<br>
</font> <br>
The Program on Science, Technology and Society at <br>
the Harvard Kennedy School presents <br>
(Co-sponsored by Harvard's Department of Sociology):<br>
<font size=4 color="#008000"><b>A Conversation about</b></font> <br><br>
<font size=5><b>How Professors Think: <br>
</font><font size=4 color="#800080">Inside the Curious World of Academic
</b></font> <br>
<font color="#008000"><b>with author<br>
</b></font> <br>
<font color="#800000"><b> Michèle Lamont</b><br>
</font> Robert I. Goldman Professor of European Studies <br>
and Professor of Sociology and African and African American
Studies, <br>
Harvard University<br>
<font color="#008000"><b>and discussants<br>
</b></font> <br>
<font color="#800000"><b> Sheila Jasanoff</b></font><br>
Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology
Harvard Kennedy School<br>
<font color="#800000"><b> Claude Rosental</b></font><br>
Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS) <br>
and Visiting Professor of Sociology, Harvard University<br>
<font color="#800000"><b> Steven Shapin</b></font><br>
Franklin L. Ford Professor of the History of Science, <br>
Harvard University<br>
<font color="#800000"><b> Christopher Winship<br>
</b></font> Diker-Tishman Professor of Sociology, Harvard
<font size=4 color="#800080"><b>Wednesday, April 8, 2009<br>
4:30 - 6:00 pm (reception to follow)<br>
</b></font> <br>
<b>LL1 Seminar Room, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street
<font color="#800000">*<br>
</b></font> <br>
<font color="#800000"><b>*</b></font> For the location, please see: <br>
<font color="#0000FF">
<a href="http://map.harvard.edu/level3.cfm?mapname=camb_allston&tile=F6&quadrant=D&series=M">
<font size=2>_______________________________________________</font>