<div align="center"><b><u>STS Brown Bag Lunch Talk<br><br>
</u><font size=4 color="#0000FF">Archives and Interviews: Reflections on
Two Decades of Research<br>
<div align="center"><font size=4 color="#0000FF"><b>Chris Bissell, Open
University UK<br><br>
</font>Wednesday, October 17th, 12:00 noon, MIT, E51-191<br>
This short, very informal, talk will present some of the
historiographical issues that Chris Bissell encountered since the mid
1980s during his research on the history of control engineering. Chris
has been interested in particular in early and mid 20th century
developments in the German-speaking area and the former Soviet Union, and
has conducted interviews and archival research in both contexts. Both
oral interviews and archival work present various problems for the
researcher, particularly when working in a foreign language. Chris will
discuss some of these, together with some more general background to his
Chris is currently Professor of Telematics at the UK Open University,
where he has worked in various roles since 1980. In addition to his
historical research he has published widely on engineering education, and
has developed distance teaching materials in control engineering,
telecommunications, ICT, and other subjects.<br><br>
Feel free to bring your lunch; coffee and dessert will be
<font size=4 color="#0000FF"><b>Please save the dates for two upcoming
STS Brown Bag Lunch Talks:<br>
</font><font color="#0000FF">October 23 at 12:00 noon, MIT, E51-275<br>
</font><i>Reforms in Russian Science <br>
and Higher Education </i></b> <br>
<b>Speaker: Loren Graham, STS, MIT<br><br>
<font color="#0000FF">November 7 at 12:00 noon, MIT, E51-191<br>
</font><i>Understanding Successful Proliferators: How the most
undeveloped nations get the world's most dangerous weapons<br>
</i>Speaker: Geoff Forden, Science, Technology and Global Security
Working Group, MIT<br><br>
</b>For further information about these events: 617-452-2390<br>
Map for location of E51 on the MIT campus:
<a href="http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=E51&mapsearch=go" eudora="autourl">
Debbie Meinbresse<br>
STS Program, MIT<br>