A Schedule of Events for the period February 24 through March 16 is
attached. I also wanted to remind you of tomorrow's STS lecture by
Morana Alac.<br><br>
<div align="center">
<font size=4> <u> <b>STS Lecture - Friday, February 24th<br><br>
</u></font><font size=5 color="#FF0000">Thinking with Images: An
Ethnographic Study of <br>
Meaning-making in Brain Mapping Practice<br><br>
</font> <font size=5>Morana Alac<br>
</b>University of California, San Diego<br><br>
</font> <font size=4><b>4:00 p.m., MIT, E51-095<br><br>
Debbie Meinbresse<br>
STS Program, MIT<br>