Hello. One copy of Klinenberg's <b><i>Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy
of <br>
Disaster in Chicago</i></b> and one set of the reviews are available
the STS main office. <br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><font size=4 color="#0000FF"><b>How
Can Academics Respond to Katrina?<br>
</font>A Brown Bag Lunch Discussion of <i>Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy
of <br>
Disaster in Chicago </i>by<i> </i>Eric Klinenberg (U. Chicago Press,
2002) led by<br>
Mike Fischer, Hugh Gusterson, and David Jones. <br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>Wednesday,
<font color="#FF0000">October 5, </font>2005<br>
TIME:<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>12:00
- 1:30<br>
LOCATION:<x-tab> </x-tab>E51-095<br><br>
</b>Natural disasters and their consequences raise many questions
that <br>
need (or at least would benefit from) STS perspectives. As we
all <br>
struggle to figure out how to respond to Katrina, Hugh, Mike, and I
thought it might be useful to get together to discuss an excellent
book that provides a possible model for analysis. In 1995 a
heat <br>
wave struck Chicago, leaving roughly 700 people dead. The
patterns <br>
of mortality bear striking similarities to New Orleans: largely
black, marginalized, elderly, in poor neighborhoods, often public
housing, with no one to turn to for help; their plight was the
outcome of decades of misguided urban policy and urban
mismanagement, <br>
etc. Sociologist Eric Klinenberg published an analysis, a
"social <br>
autopsy" of this "natural" disaster: _Heat Wave: A Social
Autopsy of <br>
Disaster in Chicago_ (U. Chicago Press, 2002).<br><br>
We will get together to discuss this book in a brown bag lunch,
Wednesday, October 5, 12-1:30, room E51-095.<br><br>
The book was extensively and controversially reviewed. For
one <br>
interesting set (available via Proquest), see the reviews in <br>
_Contemporary Sociology_, March 2004, pp. 137-156, and his angry
response in the September issue, pp. 521-528.<br><br>
For anyone interested who can't get their hands on a book, or don't
have time to read the whole thing, see Klinenberg,
"Denaturalizing <br>
Disaster: A Social Autopsy of the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave,"
_Theory <br>
and Society_ 28 (April 1999): 239-295, available via MIT
And for people REALLY interested, he was interviewed on All Things
Considered on 14 August 2003, and on Fresh Air (but not by Terry
Gross) on 15 August 2002.<br><br>
Hope to see you there! Feel free to bring your lunch; we'll provide
coffee and dessert.<br><br>
David Jones<br><br>
Debbie Meinbresse<br>
STS Program, MIT<br>
617-452-2390 </blockquote><br>
Debbie Meinbresse<br>
STS Program, MIT<br>
617-452-2390 </blockquote>
Debbie Meinbresse<br>
STS Program, MIT<br>