<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 11:32:46
To: sci-tech-public@mit.edu<br>
From: Sarah Merrow <sarahma@mit.edu><br>
Subject: Fwd: [Sci-tech-public] Dissertation Defense time
Please note: there has been a time change for Shane Hamilton's
dissertation defense, from morning to afternoon. All are
welcome to attend.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite> <br>
<div align="center"><font color="#800000"> </font><font size=4 color="#800080"><i>MIT's
doctoral program in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology and
</i></font>invites you to attend a Dissertation Defense:<br><br>
<font size=4><b>Shane Hamilton<br><br>
</b></font>will present<br><br>
<font size=4><b> Trucking Country: Food Politics and the
Transformation of Rural Life in Postwar America<br><br>
</font><font color="#800080">on June 1, 2005<br><br>
at 3:00 p.m.<br><br>
in MIT Room E51-095<br><br>
</font><font color="#808080"><i>Copies of the dissertation are available
for reading and loan in the STS Office.<br>
For further information, please contact:<br><br>
<font face="Palatino Linotype">Deb Fairchild<br>
Program in Science, Technology, and Society<br>
Tel: 617-253-4084<br>
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/sts/" eudora="autourl">http://web.mit.edu/sts/</a></blockquote> </font>
Deborah L. Fairchild<br>
Administrative Officer<br>
Program in Science, Technology and Society<br>
Phone:<x-tab> </x-tab>(617) 253-4084<br>
Fax:<x-tab> </x-tab>(617) 258-8118</body>