[Sci-tech-public] David Kaiser at Harvard Book Store

info@harvard info at harvard.com
Thu Aug 30 15:01:44 EDT 2012


Harvard Book Store presents
David Kaiser

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Join us on Thursday, September 13th at 7:00 p.m., when David Kaiser discusses How
the Hippies Saved Physics, recently released in paperback.
Details can be found below and on our website, www.harvard.com/events [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001RusY1DPt8g5352vQcyNIk29NIkXRNlIuRDjEHmEB3jFTzbYMEcQSXkrb-n262_yLTFaDbdXr0uuOtRX0Rkb6Bi5ahPf2sg8foR6-rzHVRfOUHmYjTyOGsfVnZ8qfBM0-].
We hope to see you there.

David Kaiser reads from
How the Hippies Saved Physics.

Harvard Book Store is pleased to welcome MIT's David Kaiser for a discussion of 
his latest book, How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the
 Quantum Revival.

In the 1970s, an eccentric group of physicists in Berkeley, California,  banded 
together to explore the wilder side of science. Dubbing  themselves the "Fundamental
Fysiks Group," they pursued an audacious,  speculative approach to physics, studying
quantum entanglement in terms  of Eastern mysticism and psychic mind reading. As
 David Kaiser reveals,  these unlikely heroes spun modern physics in a new direction,
forcing  mainstream physicists to pay attention to the strange but exciting  underpinnings
of quantum theory.

"It's rare to find quantum physics mentioned in the same breath with  sex, drugs
 and rock 'n' roll. . . I heartily enjoyed How the Hippies  Saved Physics." -Wall
Street Journal

"Meticulously researched and unapologetically romantic, How the Hippies Saved Physics
makes the history of science fun again." -Science

7 p.m., Thursday, September 13th
at Harvard Book Store
1256 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02138

This is a free event; no tickets are required.


Harvard Book Store
1256 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02138
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Harvard Book Store | 1256 Massachusetts Avenue | Cambridge | MA | 02138
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