[Sci-tech-public] STS students in Technology and Culture

David Mindell mindell at mit.edu
Wed Jan 20 10:13:01 EST 2010

Hi all, 


There's a major presence for MIT STS in this month's volume of  Technology
and Culture. There's an essay review of recent graduate Shane Hamilton's new
book on trucking (linked below), and our current student Chihyung Jeon's
excellent paper on road construction in Korea. Also Roe Smith (not a student
for a little while) has a memorial for W. David Lewis. 







Technology and Culture 51, no. 1 (January 2010)




A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of the Gyeongbu
Highway in South Korea CHIHYUNG JEON



/>  the Demise of the New Deal Order: Shane Hamilton, Trucking Country: The
Road to America's Wal-Mart Economy | JORDAN KLEIMAN



W. David Lewis, 1931-2007 | MERRITT ROE SMITH



Technology and Culture





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