[Sci-tech-public] ***SCHEDULE CORRECTION FOR DECEMBER 4: Talk in Anthropology begins at 12:30***

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Sat Dec 2 18:02:04 EST 2006

The attached schedule corrects the starting time for Matthew 
Wisnioski's talk in Anthropology on Monday, December 4th.  I had 
incorrectly listed on the
schedule of events that I circulated yesterday that his talk began at 
12:00 noon.  Please note that "Engineers as Radical Intellectuals: Contested
'Responsibilities' in the 1960s" will begin at 12:30 pm in MIT 
Building 16-220 on Monday.  For further information, please contact 
asteward at mit.edu.

Thank you.

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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