[Sci-tech-public] Oct 7 @ Harvard -- Transformation of the Sciences in the 20th Century

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 4 14:24:56 EDT 2004

>>Everett Mendelsohn asked that I forward the following notice to you.

>>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 11:50:00 -0400
>>Dear Colleagues,
>>The second in the series of working seminars on the Changing Character of 
>>the Sciences in the Twentieth Century:
>>Presentation;  Richard Lewontin (Harvard University),  Where is Biology 
>>Date: Thursday, 7 October  12.00noon
>>Place:  Science Center Room 469
>>Bring your lunch.
>>Future meetings:
>>14 October,  Peter Galison on Secrecy.
>>Sam Schweber
>>Everett Mendelsohn
>Debbie Meinbresse
>STS Program, MIT
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