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<center><font size=+2>April 12 , 2004 4:00pm in room 34-101</font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+3>Sunlight is Life, The Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture</font><font size=+2></font>
<p><i><font size=+1>A visual presentation by Steven J. Strong, President
of Solar Design Associates</font></i><i><font size=+1></font></i>
<p><font size=+1>Sponsored by: Massachusetts Technology Collaborative,
MIT Community Solar Power Initiative, Department of Facilities, The Environment
at MIT Web</font>
<br><font size=+1>SiteEPTF, Working Group on Recycling</font><font size=+2></font>
<p><font size=+2>Please forward to interested parties</font></center>