<div align="center">The Students for Global Sustainability, MIT Student
Pugwash, Engineers Without Frontiers and Design that Matters invite you
<font size=5><b>Sustainable Initiatives in Cambridge<br>
</b>Henrietta Davis, <i>Vice Mayor of Cambridge<br>
</i>TODAY!!! at 5:30PM in 4-237<br><br>
<font face="arial" size=4>Henrietta will focus on the implementation of
the Cambridge Climate Protection Plan - a citywide plan that commits the
City of Cambridge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 20 percent below
1990 levels. How can Cambridge make a difference? Ms. Davis will explore
the role of the city in implementing the plan via cooperation with local
businesses, institutions and residents.<br><br>
</font><div align="center"><i>snacks and refreshments provided<br>
please forward to any interested parties<br><br>
</i><a href="http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/www/spotlight.html" eudora="autourl">http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/www/spotlight.html<br><br>
</a>this event is sponsored by LEF</div>