<div align="center"><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5 color="#FF0000">TODAY<br><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">The DUSP Student Forum, DUSP
Student Council, Building Technology Program, and DUSP Environmental
Policy Group<br><br>
cordially invite you to<br><br>
<b>The Village Lives<br><br>
</b>a presentation of<br><br>
The Portland City Repair Project<br><br>
by Mark Lakeman and Jenny Leis<br><br>
on Thursday, November 20 at 6:30 in 7-431 (AVT)<br><br>
Join us for this rare opportunity to learn about Portland, Oregon's
unique community renaissance from the people who are making it
The City Repair Project combines architecture, planning, anthropology,
community development, public art, permaculture, and ecological design in
projects that transform space and transfer power at local levels. By
helping citizens re-imagine and literally rebuild their own public
commons, City Repair establishes the physical and social foundations for
sustainable culture.<br><br>
Both a non-profit organization and a larger citizen movement, City Repair
inspires and guides the transformation of the socially-isolating American
city into a vital community of human-scale, culturally-rich
Refreshments will be served.</font> </html>