<font size=4><b>Greetings:<br><br>
We are pleased to announce the first Fall 2003 Earth System Initiative
</font><div align="center"><font size=5 color="#FF0000">Friday September
26, 12 Noon, 16-168 <br>
</font><font size=5 color="#800000">"Sensing from the Nano to the
</font><font size=5 color="#FF0000">Professor Dan Nocera <br>
</font><font size=4 color="#FF0000">Department of Chemistry, MIT
</font><font size=5 color="#000080">Friday October 3, 2003, 12 Noon,
Professor Dan Rothman <br>
</font><font size=4 color="#000080">Department of Earth, Atmospheric and
Planetary Sciences, MIT<br><br>
</font><font size=5 color="#008000">Friday October 10, 2003, 12 Noon,
16-168 <br>
Professor John Grotzinger<br>
</font><font size=4 color="#008000">Department of Earth, Atmospheric and
Planetary Sciences, MIT<br><br>
<font size=4>Please join the growing Earth System Initiative community
for these exciting seminars. Food will be served and the seminars
will be fascinating.<br><br>
Questions? Email esinfo@mit.edu<br><br>
Matt Gardner<br><br>
Matthew Gardner, Ph.D.<br>
Program Administrator<br>
Earth System Initiative, 16-177<br>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
Cambridge, MA, 02139<br>
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/esi" eudora="autourl">http://web.mit.edu/esi</a></html>