[Save] ESI Seminars: Spring 2004

Matthew Gardner gardner at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 10 14:20:27 EST 2004


Below please find the schedule for ESI Seminars during the 2004 Spring 

Dr. Mick Follows
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT
"Does Iron Limitation Control the Oceans Biological Carbon Pumps?"
12 Noon, Monday February 23, 2004
MIT Building 54-915

Professor Deborah Estrin
Department of Computer Science, UCLA
"Sensing the Environment: The Challenges of Extensive Sensor Networks"
11am, Thursday March 18, 2004 (followed by a lunch reception)
MIT Building 56-114

Professor Derek Lovley
Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts
"Cleaning up with Genomics: Applying Environmental Genome Sequencing and In 
Silico Biology to Environmental Restoration and Energy Harvesting"
12 Noon, Tuesday April 13, 2004
Location: TBD

Dr. Hyman Hartman
Department of Biology and Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
12 Noon, Tuesday April 20, 2004
12 Noon, Tuesday April 27, 2004
Location: TBD

As always, lunch will be served at these seminars. If you have comments or 
suggestions, please send the to esinfo at mit.edu.

Matthew Gardner, Ph.D.
Program Administrator
Earth System Initiative, 16-177
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, 02139
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