formatting URL on generated emails

Nietz, Karl K Karl.Nietz at
Fri Nov 7 01:41:40 EST 2008


We are having problems placing a long URL (300chars) on an email
generated via SELFITEM-SENDTASKDESCRIPTION.  We have tried storing the
URL in a single field of type STRINGVAL but although the binding works
the workflow goes to error with some sort of binding error.  We then
tried splitting the URL into multiple records in a table and then
inserting the table into the long text (both continuous and
line-by-line).  However, when the email is generated upon execution,
breaks are automatically inserted and the URL on the email is corrupted.

Is there a way to does this (ie. Include URLS of > 72 characters on a
workflow-generated email)?

Karl Nietz 
CSC Melbourne 

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