Updates to SAP-WUG - Please read

Susan R. Keohan keohan at ll.mit.edu
Fri Oct 28 10:24:01 EDT 2005


The SAP-WUG info page has been updated to provide easier access to important links.  The URL to this 
page is automatically appended to all messages distributed by SAP-WUG 
(http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/sap-wug). It has been revised to include better links to:

1) The SAP-WUG FAQ, which is a very handy site that will answer some general questions about list 
usage and workflow

2) The search criteria for Googling the archives.  We used to be able to search via Alan Rickayzen's 
Blog on SDN, but that link is broken right now, so the home page for the SAP-WUG list now has the 
specific search criteria one can use in Google.

3) Please take advantage of both of these resources.  I think it is fair to ask the newer 
subscribers to 'learn to fish' prior to posting a question.  I know many times I have been tempted 
to post a question (and I've been doing workflow for quite some time) and found that by searching 
the archives, I can ferret out the answer to my own question.

4) For the more experienced among us, please, let's remember what it's like to be new to this field.

5) Of course, good netiquette is always appreciated.

6) If you have any questions/issues about the above, please mail me directly.

Kind Regards,

Susan R. Keohan
SAP Workflow Developer
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA. 02420
keohan at ll.mit.edu

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