**POSSIBLE SPAM**::Automatic use of subtype

Bedard, Guy Guy.Bedard at getronics.com
Tue Sep 7 07:21:42 EDT 2004

Just a guess, but you might want to try the WHERE-USED list in SW01. =20
-----Original Message-----
From: SAP Workflow [mailto:Owner-SAP-WUG at MITVMA.MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of
Michael Pokraka
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:57 AM
Subject: **POSSIBLE SPAM**::Automatic use of subtype
A strange thing is happening on one system (all others are fine): The
USR01 object seems to default to it's subtype when we attempt to use it
in a task. There is NO delegation, what we see happening is that the
(USR01) is used in a task container, however it's attributes are those
of it's subtype USR01DOHR. This is most perplexing as other objects are
fine. Only this object, and only on this one system (we have a few dev
and sandboxes). Please help preserve some sanity....... Cheers Mike

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