Urgent: Message: No Administrator found for the task

Raskin, Alon (Soliance) ARaskin at cps-satx.com
Wed Jan 23 08:59:36 EST 2002

This is an agent assignment issue. Make sure that you are a possible agent.
If it doesn't work then refresh the HR (you can do this from the INBOX).
Alon Raskin
Workflow Advisor - Soliance
(xtn. 3183)
-----Original Message-----
From: Torsten Schnorpfeil [mailto:torsten at processflow.de]
Sent: January 23 2002 6:46
Subject: Urgent: Message: No Administrator found for the task
Hello *,
this question might sound like a lowbrainer, but I checked everything which
came in my mind and didn't find the reason! Everytime I want to execute a
workitem within a workflow the message mentioend above appears! It worked
fine before, but not anymore!
Any hints highly appreciated!
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