Maximum number of multiline element (99) (new)

Verlaat, Robert Robert.Verlaat at PWN.NL
Wed Dec 11 02:08:06 EST 2002

Hi Sergey,
Actually none of them is required to complete the task for the Workflow
to move on.
So I'am using a Fork (2->1) for the Workflow to continue.=20
Robert Verlaat
Hi Robert,
Are all three agents required to complete the task in order for the
process to
move on, or only any one of them (though all should be ABLE to do it)?
If all three are required to complete the task, are there any
dependencies or
they must be able to do this independently?
-----Original Message-----
From: Verlaat, Robert [mailto:Robert.Verlaat at PWN.NL]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Maximum number of multiline element (99) (new)
I want a (1) Task to be executed by several users. So I did the
following: The multiline element which contains all the users, I used as
the agent assignment(expression).
I also used this Multiline element on the "Other" Tab.
Now all the users (in the Multiline element) receive the WI * the number
of agents!? So if the element contains 3 users, all 3 users receive 3 WI
in their inboxes!?
When 1 user executes the WI, it also disappears from the other Inboxes.
When I the ML-element(contains 3 users)as agent assignment, and define
on the Other TAB an element which contains 1 entry, all 3 users receive
1 WI but only 1 can execute it.
Obviously I am missing something but I don't see what it might be...
Hopefully anyone can help me on this?
Robert Verlaat
Hi Andreas,
Yes the multiline element maximum is 99 and cannot be changed. There are
performance and resource impacts when creating a large number of work
items at once
hence the restriction.
To really want to create > 99 work items for the same task is
a little unusual to say the least.
Perhaps you could explain your scenario a little
more - there may be a better approach.
        Jocelyn Dart
Consultant (SRM, EBP, Workflow)
and co-author of the book
"Practical Workflow for SAP"
SAP Australia
email: jocelyn.dart at
phone: +61 412 390 267
fax:   +61 2 9935 4880
-----Original Message-----
From: Klein, Andreas
Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2002 10:53 PM
Subject: Maximum number of multiline element (99)
Hello together,
I have a question concerning the maximum number of the multiline element
which can be found in a workflow task under 'other'. With this multiline
element one defines the dynamic parallel processing of work items. As
far as I know, the maximum number of work items created at run time is
99 and there
is no possibility to change this number towards higher values. Does
anyone know about a solution or workaround to bypass this 99 number? I
am not thinking about sending a workitem to 99+ people and only one of
them choosing it, but to really create 99+ different workitems at the
same time.
Any help is welcome!
Thanks + Best regards,
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