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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar
<div>This week's MIT QIP seminar will take place on Monday, Mar. 29 at
16:00 in 4-237, and features:</div>
<div align="center"><font size="+2"><b>A Photonic Toolbox for Quantum
Information Processing</b></font></div>
<div align="center"><br></div>
<div align="center"><font size="+1"><i>by</i> Franco Wong (<i>MIT
Research Laboratory of Electronics</i>)</font></div>
<div align="center"><br></div>
<div align="center"><u>ABSTRACT</u></div>
<div> </div>
<blockquote>Photonics is a key quantum information technology area for
applications ranging from quantum communication to quantum
computation. I will describe some of the photonic resources we are
assembling at MIT: high-flux sources of entangled photons,
quantum-state frequency translation, and single-photon two-qubit
quantum logic gates.</blockquote>
<div>Next week: Ignacio Cirac from the Max Planck Institute for
Quantum Optics will be giving a talk at 16:00 hours on Monday April