[QIP-Sem] QIP seminar, Mon 5/4, 4:15, 36-428, Broadbent,Anne

Peter Shor shor at math.mit.edu
Fri May 1 10:55:22 EDT 2009

MIT Quantum Information Processing seminar
Monday 5/4 at 4:15 in 36-428

 Broadbent,Anne (IQC)

Universal Blind Quantum Computation


We present a protocol which allows a client to have a server carry  out a quantum computation for her such that the client's inputs,  outputs and computation remain perfectly private, and where she  does not require any quantum computational power or memory. The  client only needs to be able to prepare single qubits randomly  chosen from a finite set and send them to the server, who has the  balance of the required quantum computational resources.  Our  protocol is interactive: after the initial preparation of quantum  states, the client and server  use two-way classical communication  which enables the client to drive the computation, giving single- qubit measurement instructions to  the server, depending on  previous measurement outcomes. Our protocol works for inputs and  outputs that are either classical or quantum. We give an  authentication protocol that allows the client to detect an  interfering server; our scheme can also be made fault-tolerant.


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