[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Announcement

QIP-Sem Mailing List qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 3 10:07:41 EST 2004

Next week's MIT QIP seminar will take place on Monday, Dec. 6 at 
16:00 in 4-237, and features:

Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics:
Doing Quantum Optics with Superconductors

by Robert Schoelkopf (Dept. of Physics, Yale Univ.)


I will describe recent experiments in which the strong coupling limit 
of cavity quantum electrodynamics has been realized for the first 
time using superconducting circuits. In our approach, we use a 
Cooper-pair box as an artificial atom, which is coupled to a 
one-dimensional cavity formed by a transmission line resonator. When 
the Cooper-pair box qubit is detuned from the cavity resonance 
frequency, we perform high-fidelity dispersive quantum non-demolition 
read-out of the qubit state. Using this read-out technique, we have 
characterized the qubit properties spectroscopically, performed Rabi 
oscillations of the qubit, and attained coherence times greater than 
200 ns, indicating that this architecture is extremely attractive for 
quantum computing and control. In the case when the qubit is tuned 
into resonance with the cavity, we observe the vacuum Rabi splitting 
of the cavity mode, indicating that the strong coupling regime is 
attained, and coherent superpositions between the qubit and a single 
photon are generated.
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