[OWW-SC] Changes to Feedback based upon "preliminary feedback"

Bill F bill.altmail at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 10:42:07 EST 2008

I've made a few changes to the way feedback messages are handled to tighten
up the accepting and distribution of those messages.

1. The System:Contact special page is pretty cool. Feedback is collected
from the "feedback form" and delivered to an unpublished email address. We
can accept any feedback via the website and handle it as we need to.

2. I have created a new email alias on OpenWetWare.org to serve as the
destination for the feedback messages. This address is a random sequence and
will not generally be published.

3. I removed the "feedback" alias from OpenWetWare.org. All messages to be
routed to the Oww-Feedback.mit.edu mailing list will go to the new mail

4. If people find and abuse the "oww-feedback at mit.edu" address badly, we'll
fall back the same way by renaming the list or replacing it with an app
within OWW or via another web application.

5. In any discussion of feedback within OWW, please refrain from writing
actual email addresses. This will keep the robots from finding and spamming
the list.

6. Anyone on the current OWW-Feedback list will notice no difference in its
behavior. The random email address I mentioned is part of the "feedback
application" and wasn't intended as an alternate way of submitting

7. I am adding a new MediaWiki: system message,
"MediaWiki:FeedbackHeaderContent". The contents of this message will be
displayed on the form. I'll let people know when it's available.

Let's see how this works. We can use it for other processes which involve
taking input from non-OWW members in a controlled manner as they emerge.


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