[OWW-SC] OWW User Survey

Julius B.Lucks julius at younglucks.com
Wed Sep 12 09:38:36 EDT 2007

Hi SC,

Vincent and I have (finally) filled in the survey.  Please take a  
minute to view and play around with it:


Please send suggestions/correcctions to me, and I will change it.

Let's please also discuss implementation.  I think the issues are:

1.) Do we require usernames in the survey?
2.) How do we send it out (link on the main page, mass email)?

My opinions  are:

1.) No usernames - just leave it open to anyone that wants to fill it  
in, and don't worry about people filling it in more than once. (This  
is just a rough 1st stab at a survey).
2.) We can embed the survey in the wiki, and link to it from the main  
page.  I'll do an SC blog post about it,  and we can just see how  
many people fill it out.  If this doesn't work, we can discuss  
including it in an email to everyone.


Julius and Vincent

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