[OWW-SC] E. coli Wiki

Austin Che austin at csail.mit.edu
Sun Mar 4 17:01:07 EST 2007

> There are some cool aspects... check out the gene pages here:
> http://ecoliwiki.net/colipedia/index.php/lacI:On_One_Page
> Let me know if anyone wants access.

    A random thought. As it seems like they don't have a general
    account management policy yet (or many users), maybe we can
    convince them to use OpenID and to allow all OWW users to log in?
    And as it seems like different bio-wikis are popping up all over
    the place, we can see if we can make OWW a general wiki that can
    point people to more specific wikis. OWW can handle the general
    account management for all of these wikis (as we have to do that
    anyway) and OWW would also provide a large user base for these
    wikis that get started.
Austin Che           <austin at csail.mit.edu>          (617)253-5899

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