[Oww-Feedback] Contact us. (from seth riskin)

OpenWetWare Feedback Form on OpenWetWare feedback at openwetware.org
Tue Apr 1 09:50:11 EDT 2008


I'm the emerging Technologies Coordinator at the MIT Museum. I'm organizing, with the Swiss Consulate in Cambridge, an event that I wonder if your members would be intersted to participate in. It's the Climate Change Walking Tour through MIT campus, happening Sat. 3 May as part of the Cambridge Science Festival. This event will begin and end at the MIT Museum and make a walking loop through the campus, moving indoors (laboratoriers) and out and visiting six stations that describe climate change from different angles, e. .g, local and global, lab research and filed science. 

I'm looking for people who would be interested to be guides on the walk. This event has been broadly advertised and will bring participants from Cambridge and other local communities. It'll be an interesting opportuntiy for contact and communication between MIT students and the public about science and the environment. There will be four walks between 12:30 and 4:30 PM. Looking for two guides per walk to engage in talk and explanation around MIT, climate change, environmental issues and earth system. Please let me know if any in your group would be interested and we could talk more about details.


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