[OWW-Discuss] WikiPathways

Barry Canton bcanton at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 23 22:13:57 EDT 2008

Seems like they also have a custom editor for entering pathways -


On 3/18/08, Ricardo Vidal <rvidal at openwetware.org> wrote:
> Here's a good example of mediawiki put to action for biological pathways
> http://www.wikipathways.org/index.php/WikiPathways
> Some good ideas to take into consideration from their homepage. Featured
> content, use of Google custom search (?), etc.
>  --
> Ricardo Vidal
> rvidal at gmail.com | http://my.biotechlife.net
> http://www.openwetware.org - Share your Science
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Barry Canton
Endy Lab
Biological Engineering Division
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tel.:(617) 401-7320 (Grand Central)
Email1: bcanton at mit.edu
Email2: bcanton at gmail.com

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