[mitreid-connect] Revoke Consent keeps Refresh Tokens [I]

Dominik Schmich dominik.schmich at db.com
Sat Mar 18 14:56:44 EDT 2017

Classification: For internal use only
The thing with the UI is, we don't use it for the end users, which provide the consent. We think it is too much information for them and they would be confused. We created an own page, similar to the "grant access page", just showing the already granted applications and their scopes. This is the level we think the end user can handle.

On the other side, for developers using mitre, the current webpages are good to see a more detailed view on what's going on, how many tokens are active, etc.

Coming back to the original behavioral thoughts. I would as EndUser expect, if I revoke the access for an application, it is immediately revoked for all its instances. Therefore I would be confused, if there would still an application being able to access my data/functionality through those "disconnected refresh tokens". On top of this, if the OAuth2 Server Provider decides to not let the Refresh Tokens time out, those would never be deleted and the applications has access without the user being able to stop it.

If it fits into the thoughts behind the Approved Sites or not I can't tell. But what I think we need is the connection between the EndUser and the Application which is the consent. As long as the consent is valid, any token can still be used. As soon as the consent is removed, all the tokens need to be removed as well. This more or less results into the connection of any token to the consent, right?

Beste Grüße / Kind regards,
Dominik Schmich


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Dominik Schmich
Assistant Vice President | Solution Architect

Deutsche Bank AG
COO PW&CC Technology, Strategy & Architecture
Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 16-24, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
Tel. +49 69 910-60543
Mobile +49 1723700665
Email dominik.schmich at db.com<mailto:dominik.schmich at db.com>

[cid:image002.png at 01D2A044.68C77C90]<https://api-open.db.com/>

From: Justin Richer [mailto:jricher at mit.edu]
Sent: Montag, 13. März 2017 19:03
To: Dominik Schmich <dominik.schmich at db.com>; mitreid-connect <mitreid-connect at mit.edu>
Subject: Re: [mitreid-connect] Revoke Consent keeps Refresh Tokens [I]

I think this is a mismatch between the mental model you have when looking at the software, and the mental model that drove the (current) data structure. When we built this originally, the "approved site" item was attached to tokens as they were created, whether they were approved by a user or whitelisted. This morphed into something that was more like a "remembered grant", where the user's explicit authorization decision was remembered and that was attached to the token.

I'm not saying that your interpretation is incorrect, mind you -- and in fact I think that it's a potentially clearer model. However, I think that we should perhaps address this in the UI instead of the data model. So instead of having separate pages for tokens and grants, as we have today, perhaps a single page for revoking a client's access in both ways. This would more cleanly take care of the non-remembered but permanent refresh tokens and put them at the same level as the remembered grants.

Personally, I think this would be a cleaner way of handling the disconnect than propagating the ApprovedSite link through to the refresh token (and downstream), but I'm open to other suggestions.

 -- Justin
On 3/10/2017 3:01 AM, Dominik Schmich wrote:

Classification: For internal use only
Hi everyone,

I have a little question regarding the Approved Site revocation behavior.

Here is what I did see on the Database Tables:

-          Access Tokens are tied to Approved Sites via the database field "approved_site_id".

-          Refresh Tokens are tied to Access Tokens  via the database field "refresh_token_id".

Now if you remove an Approved Site the method "DefaultApprovedSiteService.remove()" is used. This will get all access tokens, remove all associated refresh tokens and then delete the access token. In the end it removes the Approved Site. This is exactly the behavior I did expect.

This behavior changes once the Refresh Token was used the first time. With the usage, the "DefaultOAuth2ProviderTokenService.refreshAccessToken()" is used. This creates a new AccessToken and re-links the new Access Token with the old Refresh Token via "token.setRefreshToken()". Which is correct. What I'm missing is the "token.setApprovedSite()" to the new Access Token, which should only be done, if the site is still approved. Due to this not linking, the Refresh & Access Tokens stay in the system until the expire and do not get deleted by "DefaultApprovedSiteService.remove()". Is this a bug?

What I additionally thought of but didn't verify is the following scenario: What if there are Refresh & Access Tokens created and after a while the Access Token times out and gets deleted by the "taskScheduler" calling "defaultOAuth2ProviderTokenService.clearExpiredTokens()". Then we have a similar szenario like above: a Refesh Token not linked to an Approved Site via an Access Token. Is this a bug aswell?

Do we maybe add the Approved Site to Refresh Tokens aswell?

Beste Grüße / Kind regards,
Dominik Schmich


[cid:image001.png at 01D2A044.68C77C90]

Dominik Schmich
Assistant Vice President | Solution Architect

Deutsche Bank AG
COO PW&CC Technology, Strategy & Architecture
Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 16-24, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
Tel. +49 69 910-60543
Mobile +49 1723700665
Email dominik.schmich at db.com<mailto:dominik.schmich at db.com>

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