[mitreid-connect] Redirected back to main page??

Justin Richer jricher at mit.edu
Tue Nov 24 18:37:08 EST 2015

Yes, this is by design. Your issuer URL needs to be the same URL used to make the requests, regardless of the machine that the server is running on. Otherwise nothing will work! For example, many instances I’ve run have Tomcat running on localhost:8080 and not listening to the outside world, but fronted by apache. The issuer URL is whatever URL the apache server is fronting, not what Tomcat uses internally.

 — Justin

> On Nov 24, 2015, at 5:31 PM, Luiz Omori <luiz.omori at duke.edu> wrote:
> Oh, I could reproduce the exact same behaviour by just having the issuer property defined in the server-config.xml different than the root url used to make the requests. For example, my server-config.xml has issuer " <>/“ and my test client is calling http://localhost:8080/ldap-openid-connect-server/authorize. Since I’m running everything on my laptop they are semantically identical. If both are either or localhost it works. Is this by design? 
> Regards,
> Luiz
> From: Justin Richer
> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 2:54 PM
> To: Luiz Omori
> Cc: "mitreid-connect at mit.edu <mailto:mitreid-connect at mit.edu>"
> Subject: Re: [mitreid-connect] Redirected back to main page??
> I’m talking about something related to tomcat itself:
> https://www.mulesoft.com/tcat/tomcat-clustering <https://www.mulesoft.com/tcat/tomcat-clustering>
> If there’s only one instance of the server though then it should work fine so long as the load balancer is passing all headers (like cookies) through to the other side. Most common deployments of this software in enterprise space use a reverse proxy of some type, so a single-instance load balancer shouldn’t be different from that.
>  — Justin
>> On Nov 24, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Luiz Omori <luiz.omori at duke.edu <mailto:luiz.omori at duke.edu>> wrote:
>> Are you talking about MitreId own DB (in-memory versus MySQL versus …) or something else purely related to Tomcat?
>> In any case for now we have only one MitreId instance behind the load balancer as the second instance is not ready yet.
>> Regards,
>> Luiz
>> From: Justin Richer
>> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 2:18 PM
>> To: Luiz Omori
>> Cc: "mitreid-connect at mit.edu <mailto:mitreid-connect at mit.edu>"
>> Subject: Re: [mitreid-connect] Redirected back to main page??
>> Do you have Tomcat’s shared session mechanism set up on your servers? You have to do that with a load-balanced setup otherwise things that are stored in the session object (like the target page after a login) will get lost.
>>  — Justin
>>> On Nov 24, 2015, at 2:16 PM, Luiz Omori <luiz.omori at duke.edu <mailto:luiz.omori at duke.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are having a problem with MitreId Connect when it’s behind a load balancer. Everything works as expected when we hit it directly but when we use the load balancer address the server does the authentication however instead of redirecting the authorization code back to the client it appears to send it to MitreId main page, with the user logged in to it. In the latter case, we even don’t see the approval form. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Luiz
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