[mitreid-connect] Null Pointer Exception

Justin P Richer jricher at mit.edu
Tue Dec 9 15:05:57 EST 2014

The LDAP project works by overlaying configuration on top of the regular server, so you have to tell it which version to use. Update the dependency in the LDAP overlay's pom.xml file to the latest version, and it should be fixed (along with other things). I'll go update the version in GitHub in a minute, too.

 -- Justin

From: Felipe Polo-Wood [felipe.polowood at duke.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 2:52 PM
To: Justin P Richer; mitreid-connect at mit.edu
Subject: Re: Null Pointer Exception

Hi Justin,

I think I have a better understanding now.  Since I couldn't create new System Scopes (gives me a blank page... which from GitHub appears to have been fixed on a different branch, but not on the ldap version https://github.com/mitreid-connect/OpenID-Connect-Java-Spring-Server/issues/675), I was creating the scopes on the specific client.  Since the application requires those scopes, that was the only way to get it pass the the "Invalid scope" response.  So, it now goes a little further, but it chokes when it doesn't find them as system scopes.​

Felipe Polo-Wood
Sr. Manager
Clinical Applications Technical Services
Office: +1.919.668.2268
Mobile: +1.919.741.4213
From: Justin P Richer <jricher at mit.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 2:43 PM
To: Felipe Polo-Wood; mitreid-connect at mit.edu
Subject: RE: Null Pointer Exception

That's very strange, that particular line is dealing with the system scopes, which shouldn't be null at all by there. If anything, they should be an empty set, and it should pass through. Please file an issue with the main project and we'll look into the details and see if we can replicate it.

 -- Justin

From: mitreid-connect-bounces at mit.edu [mitreid-connect-bounces at mit.edu] on behalf of Felipe Polo-Wood [felipe.polowood at duke.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 2:01 PM
To: mitreid-connect at mit.edu
Subject: [mitreid-connect] Null Pointer Exception

​We have set up the ldap-openid-connect-server for testing and I am able to login directly, but it is failing to authenticate my client.  The following URL, brings up the credentials screen, but then after the login it throws an Exception.


incluying relevant lines:


I have played with the settings in the "Manage Clients" screen, but without documentation, it is hard to know what to do there... but I keep getting this error.  Is this an error with the LDAP configuration?

I appreciate your help.

Felipe Polo-Wood
Office: +1.919.668.2268
Mobile: +1.919.741.421
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