[Mitai-announce] Venezuela Petition Signing Campaign

Halide Bey hbey at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 4 14:44:51 EST 2014

Join MIT Amnesty International this Thursday, 3/6/14, 5:30-6:30 PM for our monthly petition signing campaign at W20-491. Dinner will be served.

We'll watch a short video about what's going on in Venezuela and sign petitions to urge Venezuelan authorities to:
- ensure that the right to freedom of expression, association, and assembly are respected,
- publicly condemn any act of violence or abuse that intimidates or silences people,
- order a full and impartial investigation into those killed, injured, and arbitrarily detained.

For more information about MIT Amnesty International, visit amnesty.mit.edu or facebook.com/amnestymit

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