[Mitai-announce] Fwd: Bhopal Gas Disaster - 30th Anniversary Action for "No More Bhopals"

Marisa Sotolongo marisasotolongo1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 11:01:52 EST 2014

Hello all,

There are several events going on concerning the Bhopal disaster of 1984.
If you are interested, check out the descriptions below. These events are
hosted by the Association for India's Development (AID-MIT).


   This year will mark the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst industrial
disasters in Bhopal, India. [http://www.bhopal.net/what-happened/].
 *AID Boston and MIT chapters* invite you to the following events which
have been planned surrounding this anniversary.

*1) A vigil* to commemorate 30 years of campaign for justice in Bhopal and
stand in solidarity with the survivors.
We will also renew our resolve to ensure there are "No More Bhopals"

 *WHEN* - *Wed Dec 3 2014 6:30 PM*
 *WHAT* - Vigil for the 30th anniversary of Bhopal
 *WHERE* - *On the steps of MIT -  77 Mass Ave Cambridge* MA

  If you are able to make a sign or want to light a candle, you are
welcome. Please invite your friends to the event and encourage more to join.
 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/744109062348942/

 *2) Free movie screening of "Bhopal - A Prayer for Rain"* (poster
attached). Filmed in India, the movie traces the lives of those living in
Bhopal during the lead-up to what is still the world’s biggest chemical
disaster through to its tragic aftermath, which many feel has still not
been addressed, and which continues to have a major impact on peoples’
lives today. The victims of the Bhopal disaster have still, to this day,
never received an official apology from the Indian or American government.

 *WHEN* - *Sat Dec 6 2014 6:30 PM*
*WHAT* - Screening of "A Prayer for Rain"
*WHERE* -  *MIT, Bldg 6, Room 120 -  77 Mass Ave Cambridge* MA* (*
Free event and refreshments will be served, to be *followed by the Q&A
Please RSVP on our facebook event:

 *3) A Q & A discussion with activists *from the International Campaign for
Justice in Bhopal, India will take place *after the movie screening*.
Audience can interact and ask questions about action since 1984, current
status and future plans.

 *WHEN* - *Sat** Dec 6 2014 8:30 PM*
*WHAT* - Q & A with activists in Bhopal
*WHERE* - *MIT, Bldg 6, Room 120 -  77 Mass Ave Cambridge* MA* (*
Free event and refreshments will be served.
 Please RSVP on our facebook event:

 The movie screening and Q&A sessions are free events in collaboration with
the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal.
*Donations to the cause are welcome. *
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