[Mitai-announce] Fabulous concert on Sunday + photo exhibit tomorrow!

Leonid Chindelevitch leonidus at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 29 12:02:48 EDT 2012

Dear fellow MIT Amnesty members,

You are cordially invited to the International Campaign for Justice in
Bhopal's fundraising concert on the 4th of November, 2012, at MIT Kresge

The artist featured is Shankar Tucker <http://www.shankartucker.com/>, an
up-and-coming clarinetist and alum of the New England Conservatory. He also
is a disciple of Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia. Known for his fusion of
Indian and Western Melodies, Shankar's claim to fame is his series of
Youtube videos called "Shrutibox <https://www.youtube.com/user/TheShrutibox>".
He will be joined at this concert by singers Rohini Ravada, Rohan Kymal,
Vidya and Vandana Iyer.

As our ally group, we are offering a discount of 15% on each ticket. When
you make a purchase, use the code "BHOPAL28" to obtain the discount.
Additionally there are group discounts available for groups of 10 or more
attendees. To find out more about the concert and buy tickets please visit

All proceeds from the concert go to the survivors of the 1984 Bhopal Gas
disaster and to support grassroots development projects by the Association
for India's Development.

We hope to see you there!


Leonid, on behalf of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal.

P.S. Also make sure to stop by our photo exhibit tomorrow night for a
unique opportunity to meet Alex Masi, the photographer who won the Foto
Evidence award for his work on the Bhopal disaster:

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