[Mitai-announce] Chomsky and Kar on Iranian Humanitarian and Nuclear Policy

Hanzhi Zhu hannazhu at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 25 22:09:44 EDT 2012

A Discussion with
Noam Chomsky and Mehrangiz Kar

Friday, April 27, 6:00PM - 8:00PM
La Sala de Puerto Rico, 2nd floor of MIT Student Center
across from 77 Mass. Ave.

With a 2012 US elections coming up it seems like the US policies towards Iran have been very effective but not on the right course. The sanctions seemed like the only option for President Obama’s administration to reassure its competitiveness for the 2012 reelection, without engaging militarily. This has imposed serious hardship on the Iranian people. The human rights and the nuclear issues have been the world’s main concern in the past recent years. The external changes in the Middle East have shifted the ground for potential role of Iran in stabilizing the regional issues such as Syria, Bahrain and other part of Middle East. The region was at the verge of another war but thanks to the complex situation of the region and the world today, military action, even a preemptive strike is not a logical action. What is the role of Israel in all these issues? Which side can take more advantage after the US elections and possible reelection of President Obama? Will Iran use Syria as an advantage in its nuclear talks? This lecture is going to cover these issues and more to forecast the likely future after the 2012 US elections. This lecture will attempt to give the community a better sense of awarness about all these issue at stake.

If you would like to volunteer to help set up the event, please arrive by 5:30PM. Let us know so that we can reserve seating for you.

Amnesty International supports this event from a human rights perspective. We do not support any political statements that may be made.

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