[Mitai-announce] Noam Chomsky Talk about Gaza: January 21

Karen Li karenli at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 14 16:26:48 EST 2011

An interesting upcoming event by CIS:

Starr Forums: Gaza featuring Noam Chomsky

January 21, 2011  4:00p–5:30p

Noam Chomsky addresses the ongoing crisis in Gaza followed by a
question-and-answer session with the audience. Joining Chomsky is Nancy
Murray, the director of education at the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) of Massachusetts. She is the author of Rights Matter: the Story of
the Bill of Rights. Nancy holds a B.Phil. and Ph.D. in modern history from
Oxford University. She has experience as a teacher, scholar and social
activist in Great Britain, Kenya, and the Middle East as well as the United
States, and has written widely on the themes of civil liberties, civil and
human rights.

E51 - Wong Auditorium


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