[Mitai-announce] GET ON THE BUS - registration deadline tomorrow (Friday)!

Kayvan Zainabadi kayvan at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 6 02:45:50 EDT 2007

Hi all,

The registration deadline for the Amesty 'Get on the Bus' protest in NY city on
April 20 is TOMORROW (Friday)! www.gotb.org

It is a very large event with usually 500-1000 students participating from all
over new england and the protests will focus on issues such as the Darfur
genocide, Guantanamo Bay, Guatemala?s military government and others.

The cost is $45 which includes round-trip bus transportation and everything else
but food. If you want to or do decide to register please let me know, I'm
applying for supplemental funding to subsidize the cost for MIT

Three of us from MIT Amnesty are going so please join us! It is a VERY FUN event
and you meet tons of very cool people and you'll be doing some good!



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