[Mitai-announce] THE MIAMI MODEL OF HOMELAND REPRESSION <> Wed, July 7, 7pm <> MIT bldg 6, 120

Gan Golan gangolan at MIT.EDU
Sun Jul 4 14:03:16 EDT 2004



Is there a crackdown on dissent in the US aimed at undermining our
constitutional rights to protest? What is the ‘Miami Model’ of repression and
what does it mean for the upcoming DNC in Boston at the end of this month and
the RNC in New York? 

This evening will be a chance to discuss current research on these dangerous 
trends and explore ways to counter act them. An extensive collection of
multimedia, film and photographic materials will be presented.

        WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 7:00 PM.
      	M.I.T. BUILDING 6  ROOM 120
        DIRECTIONS: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=6-120

C O M E  L E A R N  A N D  T E A C H  with:

* Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director, MA chapter of the National
Lawyers Guild

* Gan Golan, gassed and abused Arrestee in Miami in November, first to
stand jury trial and be cleared (now conducting masters research on the Miami

* Others who were arrested in Miami and have been researching the model

This multi-media presentation/discussion will focus on alarming trends in police
tactics recently used during "National Special Security Events" such as the
FTAA in Miami and the G8 in Georgia and the federal policies behind them.
Pro-active movement responses will be discussed. 

* Pre-emptive measures: city council resolution, outreach campaign, etc.
* On the streets: Digital Witnessing, Legal Observing, etc.
* Long Term:  National Summit on Homeland Repression at Boston Social Forum 

For more background information:

Related Lynx:

http://www.bostonsocialforum.org (register & search ‘repression’)

and another upcoming event...


DATE: Sunday, July 25


Frank Morales, Campaign to Demilitarize the Police (NY); 
Naomi Archer, Save our Civil Liberties (Miami); 
David Mieren, Information warfare (Pittsburg); 
Gan Golan, Beyond Criminalization of Dissent (Boston); 
Also, Copwatch; National Lawyers Guild; United for Peace and Justice (TBA). 

A new model of domestic repression is emerging in the US aimed at limiting mass
protest and cracking down on all forms of dissent. Culminating during the
Miami/FTAA protests last November, this model (often called the 'Miami Model')
confronts us with a new machinery of violence and disinformation that appears
destined for widespread application across the US. This rapidly developing
formula employs a complex array of tactics that include: the militarization of
police, false and/or preemptive arrests, surveillance and infiltration, the use
of experimental, electronic and chemical weaponry, armored vehicles patrolling
the streets, unconstitutional legal procedures and federal funding mechanisms
all bolstered by a sophisticated set of media manipulation strategies. The
model involves the coordinated efforts of dozens of local, state and federal
law enforcement agencies centralized under the command of a single agency, the
Department of Homeland Security. It is widely believe that elements the Miami
Model will be implemented during the Democratic and Republican national
conventions this summer. 

Come to the Boston Social Forum National Summit on Homeland Repression to
discuss what you can do to prepare for this. Extensive documentation, personal
testimony, video and photographic evidence will be shown. There will also be a

NATIONAL STRATEGY SESSION.  This meeting will be a facilitated working session
specifically for people committed to working on a national campaign to stop the
Miami Model of repression and challenge Homeland Security. How can we stop the
Miami Model as a national policy framework? How can we respond to it as a
tactic on the streets? What kind of political, legal, media, academic, tactical
interventions can be used to roll back these policeis? Immediate action steps
for the DNC and RNC will be discussed. Multi-media educational materials will
also be made available. 

More information coming soon: http://www.saveourcivilliberties.org/

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