[Mitai-announce] 09/04/03 Meeting Minutes

Emily C Havens emily13 at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 4 22:56:24 EDT 2003

Hello Everyone,

I am the current AI secretary and will be mailing out meeting minutes to the
announce list after each meeting so that people who were not able to attend
will be aware of what is happening in the group.  If you do not wish to receive
these e-mails, please reply to me (and only me) and the situation will be dealt
with (unless you had some baklava at the Activities Midway in which case you 
are stuck on this list forrrr...evvvvvv...errrr... bwahaha :-).


09/04/03 Amnesty International Minutes:

Meeting began at approximately 8.15 and was the first official meeting of the
Members present: Shankar, Mindy, Dave, Monami, Lynn, Chris, Sherry, Steph,
Tanya, and myself

Shankar gave an overview of the group to the new members (Chris, Sherry, Steph,
and Tanya) and told them about events we have done in the past.

Monami suggested that we have a movie night and show "Beyond Rangoon."  It was
agreed that it will be on Sunday, 09/14 at 7 PM.  Monami offered to make Indian
food for the event, but we decided to stick with pizza.  E-mail and postering
will be done closer to the event.

Discussed possible awareness events for this semester:
-Burma (suggested by Monami and Dave)
-Liberia or Zimbabwe (Lynn)... the Congo (Monami)
-Death penalty (Shankar)
-Post-9/11 Civil Rights violations (Monami)
-Chechnya and other Russian Human Rights violations (me)
-Arms trafficking (especially in Africa) in possible collaboration with Pugwash
-Human trafficking (Chris)
-Police brutality (Chris)
-Israeli/Palestinian conflict (Sherry)
***If you have any thoughts on these ideas or more suggestions, send an e-mail
to mitai-exec or come to our next meeting (09/18/03)

Monami and Shankar suggested that we become more involved with the local 
chapter in Somerville.  They are very active, have general meetings once a 
month, and smaller "action team" meetings more frequently.

Lynn mentioned the Annual NE Regional Conference and she suggested that we send
a few people.  It is usually in November.  Lynn or Shankar will find out the
exact details.

We will have a Lobby 10 table during the off-weeks (hopefully also on 
Thursdays).  Shankar is going to reserve the table.  We will probably use this
time to sign petitions and hand out flyers about up-coming events.
***It would be greatly appreciated if you could help when we have the table.

***Wrote urgent action letters.  If you wish to advocate against the death 
threats and harassment of San Pedro Sula's gay community in Honduras, visit 
www.amnestyusa.org/urgent/ and send an urgent action letter!

***If you would like to be more informed in general regarding current Amnesty
International concerns, please visit www.amnestyusa.org or www.amnesty.org

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9.05 PM

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