[Habitat] Welcome to Habitat!

Grace Lee gracelee at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 9 21:03:24 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

To our new volunteers, welcome to Habitat!  And to our veterans, welcome

We are gearing up to kick off another busy year, with monthly build days, a
spring break trip, and on-campus events including the 5K BEAVER DASH!  If
you are interested in any of our events, or if you'd like to apply to be on
our Executive Board, be sure to come to our first General Body Meeting:

*Habitat General Body Meeting
Wednesday, September 16
8:30 pm
Coffeehouse (Student Center, 3rd floor)
Free pizza!
We have several Exec positions open, and welcome applications from all class
years.  Open positions include: Treasurer, Secretary, co-Event Coordinators
(2), co-Build Day Coordinator, co-Spring Break Trip Coordinator, and
Publicity Coordinator.  Details about applying will be discussed at the GBM
and emailed out after the GBM.

*Our first local build day is coming up on Sat, Sept 19!*  To sign up,
respond to the email from Hannah Farrow, our Build Day Coordinator - hurry,
spots go fast!  See our website (below) for more details about and photos of
build days.

- Habitat General Body Meeting: Sept 16, 8:30pm, Coffeehouse
- Build day: Sat, Sept 19, 7:00am-4:00pm
- *BEAVER DASH: Sun, Oct 11, 9:00am-12:00pm -- SIGN UP to run or volunteer!*
- Build day: Sat, Oct 17, 7:00am-4:00pm

*Check out our website: http://habitat.mit.edu/*

Thanks for your interest in Habitat!  Hope to see you on a build this year!

Grace Lee
MIT Habitat for Humanity Club, President
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