PeakID ( test_miso_position/test_position_1.txt hg19 -m test_miso_position/motif1.motif) Chr Start End Strand Peak Score Focus Ratio/Region Size Annotation Detailed Annotation Distance to TSS Nearest PromoterID Entrez ID Nearest Unigene Nearest Refseq Nearest Ensembl Gene Name Gene Alias Gene Description Gene Type CpG% GC% 1-TGCATG,BestGuess:Arnt:Ahr(bHLH)/MCF7-Arnt-ChIP-Seq(Lo et al.)/Homer(0.746) Distance From Peak(sequence,strand,conservation) 8434 chr4 41067394 41067890 + 0 NA 5' UTR (NM_173075, exon 4 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_173075, exon 4 of 17) 148993 NM_001166050 323 Hs.479602 XM_005248094 ENSG00000163697 APBB2 FE65L|FE65L1 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 2 protein-coding 0.008065 0.376258 -213(CATGCA,-,0.00),187(CATGCA,-,0.00) 10309 chr2 190575576 190576079 + 0 NA exon (NM_144708, exon 10 of 23) exon (NM_144708, exon 10 of 23) 35116 NM_144708 150709 Hs.655700 XR_241295 ENSG00000151687 ANKAR - ankyrin and armadillo repeat containing protein-coding 0.005964 0.339286 -184(TGCATG,+,0.00),-182(CATGCA,-,0.00)